AR Mobile App Design for Art Projections

Hello guys!

Happy to share my first shot as a part of Zajno Crew. This is a mobile app design for an application that uses AR technologies to project arts you want to decorate walls with. The app allows calculating how much paint or other materials are necessary to create some particular piece of art, so this product will come in handy for creatives to better visualize their future work and buy the necessary amount of materials, for paint distributors and for interior/exterior designers.

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How does it work? Say, you want to put a graffiti on the wall and want to see exactly how it’ll look like and find out how much paint you’ll need. Step 1. You choose a PNG of your art (with transparent background). Step 2. Using AR you scan the wall and fit the art on it choosing the necessary size. Step 3. The app calculates the surface area, the amount of the paint needed and the average cost of all the necessary materials. Goals Make it stand out. As the target audience of the app mainly consists of young creatives, our task was to come up with such design that could appeal to them.

Approach To achieve the goal we used contrast colors and dark color palette, bold typography and unconventional graphics.

Result That’s the first version of the app design, so I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions. Stay tuned to see further updates on the project!

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