Masterclass - Class details

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I'm happy to share another piece from our MasterClass work and we're also thrilled to have been awarded one of Google's 'Best Apps of 2018' for our work with MasterClass. Such a great partnership with a truly purposeful product to always learn something new!

Class enrollment made simple and delightful A content first experience from the very beginning by progressively disclose further class details all the way from the library grid view where a class is being selected. The instructor gets presented in a 1-up-view with the class preview video playing immediately. With a tap, you get to the full detail page with everything about your upcoming class. The preview video seamlessly extends to the screen edges in the background while transitioning between in-person and environmental sequences. A text paragraph introduces you further to the class and shortly followed is an image and video carousel of what you will learn. We wanted to make it possible for you to take in the details by seeing and hearing more – while reading less.

What do you think about this progressive approach?

Stay tuned and follow for further updates!@wellgraf

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