Talking Shop

Part of an infographic visualising the planned process to expand the village hall in Sandford-on-Thames near Oxford, to accommodate multiple new uses of the community-based enterprise, Talking Shop.

In the few years since its foundation Talking Shop had become a flourishing enterprise, running a weekly market in the village hall, and more importantly providing a previously lacking focal point for the social life in the village.

Described by many as Sandford’s single most valued facility, the decision had been made by Talking Shop to expand the physical infrastructure of the hall as well as the services offered, with a permanent cafe and shop alongside the weekly market and space for multiple events and workshops.

The infographic proved to be a very useful tool in engaging local people and approaching relevant stakeholders. It was used as an integral part of the enterprise’s business plan and two major grant applications – both of which we were successful.

More by Jan Lewicki

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