Camouflage Pattern Exploration
So, this is a project I have been working on for my bike racing team Revolution Women's Cycling. The idea comes from the word "Revolution". By definition, revolution means to overthrow a government or ruler in favor of a new one. After researching the word revolution, I started to think about army fatigues and camouflage. As I researched further, there was a British artist by the name of Norman Wilkinson who developed camouflage for naval warships around WW1 called Dazzle camouflage. This style of camouflage was not to conceal a warship, rather it was to confuse their enemy by making it difficult to estimate the ships speed, direction and course it was heading. Dazzle camouflage consisted of complex geometric patterns using contrasting colors. What I found interesting was that most of the designs came from women who attended the Royal Academy of Art in London. This was the connection I based my concept on since my racing team is an all women's team.
I experimented a lot with gradients instead of using solid colors for the camo pattern. I also incorporated some lines and dots within the pattern and then offset them in the composition. Here I just used the word REVOLUTION. We don't have an official logo as of yet, It's a work in progress, but I love how the word Evolution is within the same word and perhaps I could have highlighted that more by bringing the E to the front.