Masai Mara Reserve

Hello dribbble!

I hope everyone is well, this is my first post here and it's great to be part of an awesome community.

After years of thinking I was told old to follow my passion for web development i decided it was time for a change and to knuckle down and pursue it! I am really enjoying it so far but currently learning everything on the side of my current job it doesn't leave me much time!

I decided i wanted to develop something that was close to my heart, that being the incredible wildlife of the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya. I am hoping to be able to visit this amazing place one day soon. The design is just a basic one page design that I have developed from scratch with some information of what you can expect to see at the reserve.

I have uploaded the website so you can view it here.

Its not very IE friendly which i am working on at the moment :-)

This is the first website I have actually developed so I hope you might like it and as always appreciate any feedback good or bad.

Thanks everyone and have a great day!

Posted on Dec 6, 2018