[UXC2] Doctolib : Search Edit and Filter

Hey guys ! Here is the filter screen
On the "Result" page, the Doctolib app currently lets you filter only by the specialist' availability. There is no personal preference criteria in the filter panel, so I decided to added some I thought would be usefull.
I added the possibility to filter by :
- The day you prefer (Monday, Tuesday,...)
- The time frames (8-12am , 12am-2pm, ...)
- The distance (300m, 1000m, ....)
- The language spoken by the specialist (French, English, ...)
Do you think those criteria are relevant to book a health specialist ?
Press "L" to show some ❤ ✌🏾
See you soon ! 😉

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INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/colbys.design/?hl=fr

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