2x Dribbble Invites
/ UPDATE / As promised, the December 7 announcement for prospects is here and Dribbble invites have been awarded. The drafted players are:
Rizky Dwi https://dribbble.com/rizkydwi
Lana Raizen https://dribbble.com/LanaRaizen
Welcome new players! I look forward to following your work.
Hello everyone!
I have invites available for two (2) talented prospects who would like to join this amazing community.
Steps to take: 1. Email me at eric@ericskorupski.com with the subject "Dribbble Invites." 2. Include a link to your Dribbble profile (and your uploaded shots).
I will announce winners at the end of the week (Friday, December 7) with an "update" to this shot.
I look forward to seeing some creative work and best of luck to all entrants!