Book Your Meeting Room - Web app

Hey guys,

The idea for this app is hugely inspired by the UX work done by Johnyvino (

Booking a room at my current workplace is currently a manual process, employees have to call up the reception and book a room.
I wanted to make this process simple and easily accessible, so thought of designing a web application that opens in the browser, currently worked on the mobile version uploaded here.

So the flow is such that the user logs in with company Login credentials, he is then taken to the main screen displaying all the rooms and their views. Since I just have 6 meeting rooms I placed them as big cards with just a search on top, just in case the user knows what room he is looking for and if its below in the pile.

The Room card has a number of people it can accommodate and a view of the room, this will help the user choose between rooms depending on his team size or requirement. I also plan to add some relevant details to the card in the desktop view eg: the type of seating available Classroom, Boardroom.

On Selecting the room, we get a detailed view of the booking status of the week. Swiping left/right will take the user to those dates. Simply clicking on the + icon will open up the booking form. The user can choose to book on less booked days, search for an appropriate time and even request for a booked time slot (design coming soon).

Used very native calendar UI and interactions so learning is not difficult for the user.

All images used don't belong to me, they have been taken from Unsplash
Photo by Christian Fregnan on Unsplash
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash
Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash
Photo by Pawel Chu on Unsplash

Some more screens and interactions coming soon.


Do Share your feedback and show some love.


More by Walter Cardoz

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