Stepper XVIII

Happy Monday!

Designers asked me what if a user swipes left and will hold such type of button. Could this stepper count faster? So I decided to make a version where we can see what’s happening in this case.

We should increase “hit zone” of the button and decrease its velocity to allow a user to interact with the UI and to see what numbers are on the button simultaneously. For each step, we add haptic feedback (subtle enough, using UIImpactFeedbackGenerator .light). When they have “zero” case, we provide the haptic error feedback (UINotificationFeedBackGenerator .error).

Actually, this concept more approachable for touch interfaces, but we can use it if we want to support an alternative way of interaction with UI we are designing or to provide UX consistency across all platforms.

Stay tuned —
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Oleg Frolov
Experiment with Interaction Design. Explore AR/VR.

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