Photo-Book & Novel: Art Gallery Website Design

Happy Friday, guys!

We keep sharing the designs we created here at Zajno for a talented photographer, a passionate writer and a friend of ours who wanted a place to share his art, his inspiration and his memoirs. We loved the idea, and his passion inspired us to create such a place in the digital word. This is the third section of the website we shared with you yesterday.

The artist we’re talking about (let’s just call him Daniel, he doesn’t want us to disclose his name yet) mixes two forms of art: photography and prose into an exquisite blend creating a truly deep and unforgettable experience. Daniel has long been cherishing the idea, a dream, to have a place where he could showcase his writings and pictures, a novel-photobook to share artistic works he creates.

In a nutshell, the goal was to create a vibrant digital gallery using non-standard grid to adhere the artist’s original style. We played a bit with the composition and the geometry of the layout, and came up with a pretty unconventional solution. As for the color palette, our client adores the red color and black-and-white photography, these colors are meaningful to him, so it was essential for us to show this in our design.

Although it’s only the first version of design, we were happy to learn that Daniel totally loved it. As he put it: “It’s vibrant, sexy and bold, and it stands out - the very thing I needed”. There’s nothing better to be heard from a client, I guess. However, I’d love to learn your opinion on this. Share your ideas, looking forward to hearing from you!

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Translating your personality through digital experiences

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