E-Comm Adobe XD UI Kit

e-Commerce app UI design exploration, in collaboration with Adobe. Created using Adobe XD

A lot of apps these days are overloading users with too much information at a first glance and in the process important features such that lead the user to purchase are hidden within the UI. For the less techie audience, this creates a daunting experience.
I wanted to create an e-commerce app focused on the products it is selling without overloading the user with all the extra details and descriptions at the first glance. I aimed to create something visually simple, clean and straight forward, that makes it easier for the end consumer to make their decisions.


You know whats even more awesome!? This cool UI kit is available for download for FREE!
Download it today! :) #AdobePartner #MadeWithAdobeXD


Nimasha Perera
Senior Designer and, Artist
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