JATONE – jubilee brandy, the release of which is timed to the 120th anniversary of winemaking zone of the House of Vintage Brandies 'Tavria', and was named in honor of the Nova Kakhovka vineyards founder, Swiss colonist Jan Jatone. In a tribute to the memory of glorious history of Tavria a unique product was created. Krylia FMCG Branding designed the package, which used a number of innovative solutions. Modern stylish bottle was created for JATONE brandy. The matte and glossy textures combination of the labels in conjunction with strict font compositions created a recognizable JATONE style. Emblems-medallions, struck from aluminum, became a vivid visual identifier of the brand, and metallized strings, as hoops of the barrel encircling the "body" of the bottle, gave completeness to it. A bottle of 8-year-old vintage JATONE XO brandy was painted completely with glossy black paint, which gave attractive mysteriousness to the product. For the first time at the Ukrainian brandy market the exclusive branded tops with embossed image were made. In the course of the years of friendly partnership with JATONE, Krylia FMCG Branding was frequently participating in the interesting collaborative promotional projects. A brand legend was written for JATONE, and concepts and slogans of many advertising campaigns were invented. For brighter presentation of JATONE in press, the key-visuals were developed for print advertising. Logotype and distinctive violet background of the label became style-forming elements of JATONE corporate identity. In order to systematize the use thereof, the Brand Book has been designed. For the 5 years of collaborative work, in order to support a variety of brand marketing projects, there were created a large number of promotional and POS-materials.