Figma Interactions Manager (Concept)

Hi there! 👋

At @Reveal Studio we are exploring how Figma works and if is it interesting to switch from Sketch.
I have some minutes to burn this morning to explore an idea I had to improve the prototyping tool in Figma.

The idea
Sometimes you have different states to prototype. The best example is for a call to action with three different states : Normal, on mouse hover, when you press on it. To prototype this, actually you have to duplicate your artboard and then, you have to set up the interaction and destination. So, I imagined a way to apply more than one interaction for one layer.

Just to play with Figma, I redesigned all the UI elements in Figma. Check the file on Figma 👉

So @Figma team, I think there is a nice update idea here 🤗

Désolé for my English 😬

Christophe Bouche
I design interfaces & experiences that customers will love

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