Book Design: Novels and eBooks
Art Direction | Project Management | Book and Cover Design More Images:
Each of Dynamite's prose novel assignment was something very different, but most had something in common: the need to create a cover that looked like it fit in with what you'd see on a summer reading shelf, but with minimal to no budget. So with a few pieces of royalty free art, I was tasked to mimic covers of the post 9-11 military thrillers that had become so common and popular, and the, as my wife so lovingly calls them every time she buys one: trashy-vampire-romance-novels that dominate the urban fantasy marketplace.
The Shaft novels were an exception as we had art by Francesco Francavilla from our comic series for one novel, and commissioned artist Robert Hack to create new art so that we could have our own pulp novel style for that line. I just had to come up with a dress that would work and could be used by my team.