Textile Data
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Textile Data is an object that visualizes future climate scenarios for the whole world, called Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP), provided by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
On a ~2m² sized textile it shows eight data sets from five SSPs of the decades 2010 to 2100: population, global temperature mean, Gross Domestic Product, land cover, emission of carbon dioxide, consumption and primary energy.
A mirror axis in the center of the textile defines the origin of visualization. It cuts the categories without (top) and with (bottom) climate protection efforts in half to indicate incisive differences from a point of view.
The idea to create a royal climate tapestry came within an historical digression. Finding “Small Multiples” that fit together as pattern on a tapestry was the hardest part of the design process. Overall we experimented a lot with textile materials and tools like looms and knitting methods to find a decent way to visualize the data sets. The final data based tapestry has been knitten by Woollaa.
This project was developed by Samira Akhavan, Anna Heib and Amelie Kirchmeyer within the course Data Objects by Prof. Boris MĂĽller at FH Potsdam.