Decentralized search engine for knowledge networks

The Netscape Browser in 1995 made the Internet (which had existed since the 1970s) go mainstream. What could be the equivalent of the Browser for the decentralized internet in terms of similar impact?

The Pulse protocol seeks to disintermediate digital marketing by creating a smarter way to connect in-market buyers directly with experts and sellers in high-value service industries.

I had an amazing opportunity to collaborate with Pulse as a part of Consensys Accelerator "Tachyon". I helped the team to create User experience for their newly launched product and the User Interfaces.

The screens that I am attaching represent the Intent creation - the first step after Signing Up with Metamask and choosing your role. The user needs to write what he is looking for and select a corresponding category. For example, he might search for technical help with smart contracts. After the first step, he will be asked several questions to narrow down the search.

You can read about the whole process here<

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