For me this work does not arise solely as a simple editorial subject for my academic assessment; it has essentially a huge weight inside me. Always loved studying the 'war' in the historical context, but it was always something that I learned to "dislike" so deeply over the years!! It is a needless act for us as humans and yet, make part of who we are. Something that can only bring suffering and destruction to millions of innocents. This subject arises primarily as a tribute to all the soldiers and families who were victims during the conflict of World War II in the great Pacific, largely describing the major events that took part in that time. It is divided into two parts, a kind of book bellows. The first part focuses mainly around the conflict that goes from the Meiji Restoration until the release of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while the second part focuses necessarily on all the destruction and suffering that this war brought to Japan.