Stan Lee

This is an incredibly sad day.

I just wanted to share how I met Stan Lee. April 14th, 2015. I was visiting Beverly Hills, California for work. Between meetings, I decided to stop for a coffee at Starbucks. As I was sitting outside sipping my coffee, when my coworker nonchalantly says, “hey, Stan Lee is walking towards us”... “Yea Right!” I replied. As I look down the sidewalk, sure enough... The Legend, Stan, the Man, Lee was walking up the sidewalk towards me!!! Holy CRAP!!! With Shaking Hands, I quickly get out my camera phone. I call out, “Mr. Lee??!!! Mr. Lee??!!! Can I PLEASE get a photo with you, I am such a huge fan. Graciously, Stan thought for less then a second and said, “Yea, Ok.”

He was so kind and gracious and I am so thankful I was able to meet him away from a Comic Con with all the fanfare. I was shaking for the next few hours.

I live in Michigan, and never thought I would have the privilege and honor of meeting Stan. He basically created my childhood and he totally lived up to the hype.


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