Hoppy Pals

I've been working on this passion project for about two months now as a part of this UX course I'm taking, and I thought I'd bring the concept to life a bit more through this logomark.

I recently had the idea to illustrate this personified hop, and it has come quite a long way. I'll upload some of the sketches and where it was previously into the attachments when I get a chance this week.

Anyway, hops are pretty much a huge part of brewing, especially considering they breathe life into to IPAs. In the US alone in 2016, over $1B was spent on IPAs. Plus, the hop ties in nicely considering it has many layers to it, just as we as people do.

I created a palette of greens using @Lyft awesome ColorBox tool,
and rolled from there based on a variety of sketches and explorations. I'm really happy with the outcome, although I do know there are tweaks I want to make.

I'll fill you all in on more of the process behind the app itself, and you can see how some of this will tie into it, but for now I hope you like my little hop pal!

More by Andrew Washuta

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