Daily UI #015 - ON/OFF SWITCH
I'm not satisfied with this one, but I wasn't feeling much more inspired by the theme :(
I imagined an app that would let you control all the electric stuff in your house. I'm not sure how feasible this would be as several equipments are sometimes on the same plug, I'm not 100% sure how that would work on a technical level.
I grouped everything by room, which I thought could be colour-coded. I also thought the app could give you a warning if there's a plug turned on with nothing on it (god know this happens to me a lot).
What I liked about this was the ability to turn off an entire room at once. I always turn off the game station and forget the TV for instance, so that'd come in handy!
Let me know what you think :)
Couch icon from Freepik on flaticon
Bed icon from catkuro on flaticon