It's beer o'clock somewhere

I'm currently taking a UX course to be up-skilled in advanced types of research / testing methodology. For the course, we're tasked with solving a problem, and the problem I've selected is centered around a complex beer trading experience (yes, people trade beer, and lots of it!). It's a problem space I'm passionate about, which makes the solution I'm building even more exciting. I truly want to streamline the beer trading experience.

What you're seeing on the left are just a couple of early wireframes that make up the app. I'll be continuing to iterate on these as I move into a higher fidelity, so stay tuned.

I can't wait to share more of this work. I've done A TON of discovery research, competitive analysis, personas, user flows, sketches, wireframes, prototypes, and usability testing. I will have more of that to share along with fully-functioning prototypes in the coming week.

More by Andrew Washuta

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