Typecase Prototype

About time I shared this! Prototype for the type resource I'm working on to help designers find typefaces for projects.

I wanted to expose the navigation to allow for more exploration of the different categories, but make the site minimal overall to get out of the user's way. Check out the live prototype(s) below and let me know what you think!

Desktop prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/35787f85-13d8-4e21-7ec5-89800a7c81d7-4349/?fullscreen&hints=off

Mobile prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/36fef8a4-a038-4fc8-46f0-2f45c26887fb-40cf/?fullscreen&hints=off

I'd love some feedback if you think something could work better a different way, or if you think a feature is missing. Just let me know!

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