NIFT Logo Sketch + Grid

Thirtylogos Challenge #27 - National Inteligence Football Tracker, aka NIFT.

Brief: "Hey! Stoked to have you on board Our whole team is so exited to see what you can do to represent our product.

We work directly with the National Football League and get real-time health data from athletes during games and practices. Each player wears a FitBit and everything from their heart rate to their speed gets sent to our app.

Users of our app are mostly nutritionists and scientists, but we've seen fans use the app just for the cool data.

We actually dont have a name for the app so we were hoping to see what you could come up with." I decided to try a long app name and then use the first letters of each word. Forming the acronym NIFT.

They work directly with the NFL and most users are scientist and nutritionists which are used to acronyms and might get a kick out of it šŸ¤£. I think it also rolls out the tounge nicely.

For the symbol I focused on a somewhat abstract football shape and statistics stiching the ball together.

More by Augusto Gentili

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