Exercise Your Right: VOTE
Graphic created to show that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, YOUR vote CAN make a difference! Together, we all can work towards CHANGE.
Caption from social posts: TODAY IS THE DAY. Listen, there’s just no excuse. I’m going to take this time to prove to ya on how it’s super easy and it’s your DUTY to go out and vote! Here’s the deal:
First, go ahead and add “Go Vote” to your to-do list. That way, you have to cross it off or else you’ll be utterly disappointed in yourself for not crossing off everything on your to-do list. (Tell me I’m wrong)
Next, do a little research! Instead of googling to see if there’s any recent news on the Pete & Arianna breakup, or trying to google your symptoms and self-diagnose yourself (#guilty!), take your regularly scheduled Google time to see what each candidate stands for so you can see who you identity with. PRO TIP: If you live in FL, @tampabaytimes did a fantastic article that breaks down all the candidates for ya. Also, @leagueofwomenvoters has a sweet breakdown of the amendments. EASY PEASY.
Last, GO TO THE POLLS! And here’s the thing — you might have to wait in line, BUT THAT’S OKAY! Why? Two reasons: 1) While you wait, you can totally keep checking Instagram, so voting totally won’t cramp and ruin your social lurking time, and 2) you get a heckin’ sweet sticker to put on your shirt after you do your duty like YAAAS #FASHION.
And that’s it. So easy, right? I know, that’s why there’s no excuse. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do because you CAN make a difference by voting!