Moving Girls Installation

Hey guys, so here are some nice photos of my installation Moving Girls that happened during Night Market III. I stepped out of my comfort zone to create this big physical complicated installation. The work is composed of 25 two meter long tubes that are wrapped in 2 sided print and form 2 images when looked at both sides.

Creating this work was a real struggle. First making a 3D visualisation to see and test if the whole concept is possible. Then create the bottom part frame out of wood that is at the same time stone and light enough. Installing lights that are powerfull enough to lighten the 2 meter long tubes. Then think of a way to hold the tubes upright. And Then wrapping the tubes, which turned out to be a real pain in the ass. And finally assembling everything 5min before the event starts. All this wouldn't be possible without the help of some friends. Ivo Tanchev, Ivajlo Georgiev, Dancho, Slaviana & Elena this wouldn't be possible without you. Thank you. @ivotanchev @urumovaelena @slaviana_tosheva

Also thank you Night Market & Absolut for embracing the idea and making it possible. @nikolayvajarov @plammka @absolutvodka_bg

Photo credits: @uffo & @chrissygeorgieva

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