Medium Dissection Tool
Hej! I’m Amelie, an Interaction Designer currently living and studying in Potsdam, Germany. This is my first shot, yay! Be kind. :)
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Medium Dissection Tool allows a poetic and analytical dissection of textual activities of a user profile on the platform by applying rule-based, emotional text analysis.
Word frequency, word length, negative connotation in articles and comments are visualized in typographical dependencies and placed in a different, more analytical than contextual meaning. Those rules result in references and images that build new connections, point to meaningfulness and polarize.
The tool is able to parse every user by appending the username to the URL! Try it yourself and build your own artifactual experience! Best experience in Safari!
This project was developed by Fabian Schultz and Amelie Kirchmeyer within the course Retro-Future-Webdesign by Prof. Boris Müller. My part consisted of concept creation and visual design as well as doing the CSS development.