Workwise - The Freelancer And Social Networking HTML Template
Workwise is a HTML5 & CSS3 responsive template created for Freelancer and Social Networking Plateform but also can be used for generalised website. Workwise will be a subtle and smart choice for user post project and receive competitive bids from freelancers within minutes. Our reputation system will make it easy to find the perfect freelancer for your job. It's the simplest and safest way to get work done online. It is a fully responsive, feature rich and beautifully designed to host a website or create online identity. We have created 40+ pages and 90+ components or shortcodes for this template and much more in future. It supports bootstrap framework and intergrated font awesome icon set so easy to customise and develop your own styles. Workwise is a retina ready so it works nicely on smartphones, tablet PCs and desktops. Easily customisable, 24/7 support time.