'Namwolf Page Commission
Since I had done the comic 'Namwolf digitally, there are no original pages for sale, so when I attend conventions I'm usually just selling the printed book. Recently however, a fan asked if I would be open to the idea of recreating his favorite page from issue 1 of the series, to which of course I said yes.
It was a blast getting to redraw this piece with traditional medium and with a slightly new take on the character designs and composition. I forget sometimes how much I love the feel of pencil on paper. The ink splattering around and creating happy little accidents (if I'm so bold to reference Bob Ross). I think we should all get closer to the traditional materials. This goes for buying books and posters as well. They have texture and a history that digital doesn't.
In any case, I hope you like this post and go out to support your local comic shop from time to time :)