Building Trust Together

Parents, teachers, and mentors are trusted with the fragile minds of our youth. When it comes to talking / teaching about our diverse, colorful, beautiful, tragic,and terrifying history where is the line between protection and truth? Some topics may seem too heavy for children to comprehend, but withholding the truth can cause long term problems. A growing distaste for the educational program is just the tip of the iceberg. Culturally speaking, students of different races grow confused by what they hear in school and what they learn at home. Swaying the truth also does not give every child a fair shot at learning. It directly causes a divide in the classroom because children have a great understanding of what goes on in the world. They are sponges, and are supposed to look up to adults to protect and guide them. If what we say, and what they see does not correlate long term problems can occur, starting with how they choose to learn in school. We also need to remember acceptance starts at a young age. Less / On Divided urges teachers to nurture our youth for a brighter future. That starts with knowing our mistakes, our victories, and all of our people so they can move forward in a positive way.

More by Amanda Westra

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