Andribbble - Are you interested?

So here's the deal- I've been kicking around the idea of developing a dribbble app for android ever since the API was publicly released. Not an iDevice port, but an actual, full-fledged Android-specific app. I know I'd love to have something like this, and I've heard similar things from a few others.

My question for you is this- would YOU use something like this? How much interest is there for this project, given that this industry is particularly so heavily steeped in iPhone and iPad devices? What requirements would you have for an app like this?

I've done some preliminary UI work, but I'm hesitant to start releasing it until I know this project can gain traction and have actual use to this community. In the spirit of community that both Dribbble and Android provide, I figured I'd turn this decision over to the community here for further discussion. Please drop a comment under this shot and let me know if you're interested in seeing this project move forward...

For now I'm dubbing this future app, 'Andribbble'. Kinda flows don't you think? Thanks in advance to anyone participates in this conversation!

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