Save Katheleen Novell Cat For Removal From Head Femoral

Kathleen Novell Cat one year ago, he had a femoral ostectomy... the removal of the femur head. Although his spine still has a bit of a hump-y curve that developed during the initial injury, his appetite is as healthy as it ever was (maybe more so!). I’m really happy to see how well he’s doing. From the look on his face, he’s not so excited about being held, even for a photo op.

Getting it amputated ment only one more operation and quick heal time. It ment he could be back to wandering around again and living again. We were apprehensive about how he would walk, run and use his kitty litter with only one hind head but researched a lot and saw many other cats with similar operations which lived life no better than with surgery.

Donation Link:

To this day, we are so seeking help with own decision and wish we had of donation for my Cat. Hank you to everyone who want donated to make this surgery possible.


Text/SMS: (917) 259-4358

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