True North - Careers List
UI / UX / Content Strategy
True North is an alternative approach to careers education for teenagers in the hopes that we can relief the bottleneck of stress and tensions that appear late into year 13 for highschool students worrying about a possible career pathway.
Websites such as Careers NZ cover and cater to a large demographic, from young people transitioning into the industry to those seeking general careers guidance. Whilst being the go to resource for careers, we identified that an information overload can be detrimental and repel younger audiences. True North’s website refines this by removing any information that we’ve validated to be non-essential for the year 10 demographic such as job and financial specifics, instead presenting the information as pathways and opportunities in a encouraging and informative way.
This is done by allowing teens to see how their interests relate to possible career pathways, through an easy and efficient interest picker, which creates a list of pathways that align with said interests.
The key objectives for this are: Quick and easy user onboarding, that allows the user to make fast reversible decisions Stripping away or taking out of focus, any non-essential information Making it simple whilst still empowering for teenagers