wirobrojo warrior

hey everyone.
Today I made illustration wirobrojo warrior. Wirobrojo Warrior is one of the many soldiers in Yogyakarta.
formerly placed on the west side outside the fortress of the Sultanate of the Yogyakarta Sultanate. It was intended as a deterrent as well as defending the palace fortress from the attack of enemies coming from the west of the palace.
And until now the name of the place has become a village called Wirobrajan.
The name Wirobrojo comes from the words Wiro and brojo, which are derived from the Sanskrit language. The word Wiro means brave and Brojo means sharp.
Philosophically the word means that the wirobrojo warrior is brave in fighting the enemy and is sharp and sensitive to the five senses. So it is not surprising that the presence of the wirobrojo soldiers is the ranks or front guard troops.
source: http: //yogyakarta.panduanwisata.id/daerah-istimewa-yogyakarta/kota-yogyakarta/prentara-wirobrojo-barisan-terdepan-
prajurit-kraton-yoyakarta /

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