Lingkar Budaya App

Yesterday our team "Lutung Kamarsung" participate in Ki Hajar Apps Challenge 2018. Theme for this challenge is education Indonesia social cultural. And we got 3rd place *yeeyy*

We made an application called "Lingkar Budaya". Our vision is simple, to preserve national culture. We targeted a teenager as our main audience we focused more to the aesthetic on this app because we were pinched by deadline and cant add tons of features within 5 days. So we just put 3 main features here, lets talk about it

1. Culture
In this part, it basically like your ordinary book or e-book. You can search, read, listen or watch about our amazing country's culture. The culture is categorized by city and their own category like House, weapon, dance, clothes etc etc.

2. Article
This is where everyone can post almost anything about culture. Whether its tutorial, review, sharing, etc etc you can post it here as long you had created and logged in to your account. Oh also you can interact with your reader in comment section just like your ordinary blog, also you'll be notified if someone leave a comment in your article.

3. Forum
This is where everyone interact with each other. Just like ordinary forum you can post a discussion, challenge, quiz, question etc and of course participate in a forum that already been made. Oh and again, you will be notified if someone tagged you or leave a comment in your forum.

In sever side, we use our beloved teacher's vps to host our API and databases. We use oauth2 as our authentication and codeigniter as our API. We use mysql as our main database and firebase as our realtime databse, we combine both of them to create maximum experience for the user

I think that's it.

Developed Using : Android Studio (Java)

Big thanks to our team
@Poundra Verdian as a Content Creator
Djaka Pradana Jaya Priambudi as an Android Developer
@Muhammad Khayxin as an Animator

Check the Apps trailer here

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