This no longer works, because Dribbble deprecated v1 of their API.
Live version here…
— host.sonspring.com/handlebbbars
GitHub repo(PhoneGap code)…
— github.com/nathansmith/handlebbbars
This is a mini app I made, that uses the Dribbble API. It runs entirely client-side. It's for a talk I will be co-presenting with Matt Baxter at the Big Design conference in Dallas.
I will also be doing a writeup for .Net Magazine soon, using this as a demo to explain how Handlebars.js works.
It uses:
— Handlebars.js — Zepto.js
In our talk, we'll also explain how to install it as a native app, via PhoneGap. If anyone cares, here's the talk synopsis…
What was a novelty is now the norm. Smart phones are rapidly outpacing personal computers in terms of overall usage. Mobile is here to stay.
For years, the way to reach the widest possible audience has always been: Build a website. While the Web is still just as important, the rise of mobile has placed an increasing emphasis on apps.
In this talk, Matt Baxter and Nathan Smith will show you how to take the skills you've honed — building sites in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — and apply them to building mobile apps.
We will cover building a basic web app, driven by a JSON API, and show how this can be embedded into a mobile app. Technologies discussed will include: Sass & Compass, PhoneGap, Handlebars.js, and Zepto.js (a mobile-centric JS library that is akin to jQuery).