Daily UI #14 - Countdown Timer

Hey mates! 👋
This is shot #14 for Daily UI Challenge - Countdown Timer.
Just start the timer and run in the wall! Okay?
Or does it work wrong? Oh...

Also don't forget to download the layout for FREE! 🙌
More love from UXDesigner.I'm!

Now a big load, so the new shots from the #Daily. UI will be released at different time intervals. But they will in any case!

Press «L» and stay tuned, don't miss the most beautiful design from UXDesigner.I’m!
Thanks and see you around! 👌

UXDesigner.I’m | Behance | Instagram | Gumroad | UI8

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Anton Pecheritsa
Art Director & Designer. tg: @uimotion ✨

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