Dream Log App Concept

Hello Dribbble! Glad to finally be here :)

Do you happen to have dreams so insane or pleasant or just wierd that you want to remember every detail before they get completely dissolved in the everyday routine? I do. And I usually sit and write my dreams down. But in this way, it's easy to lose your records and hard to organize them. So here's the concept for an app to log and organize your dreams.

The app lets users: - Keep record on their dreams by writing them down and recording audio logs - Share logs with friends - Track dream stats

Huge thanks to: @Dmitriy Goncharov for kicking me to start this. And for giving me wise directions all along the way. @Owlena for the initial concept idea. And sorry it took exactly a year for me to take a turn with my shot (<>..<>) @Liev Liakh for the Dribbble invite. Your deed is not forgotten, bro :)