Ron Weasley
Social Media Experiment: When I realized that September 3rd and 4th is actually 9 3/4, I had a vision about a viral social media campaign. I created these illustrations, came up with a clever hashtag, and crafted several well written posts inviting others to post their own photos and art. The intent of this was to make a big enough splash that Warner Bros. Entertainment, Universal Studios and/or Pottermore would see this "holiday" and adopt it (just like Disney has fully embraced and publicized May the 4th).
Did it go viral? Nope! I got one repost from a friend, and there was not a single post from anyone (besides me and my wife) using this hashtag.
What did I learn? A viral campaign doesn't take off on it's own. I should have reached out to other artists and Potter fans ahead of time! With more people scheduled to post, we would have created a movement and reached a larger audience.
Next step: I still think this is an amazing "holiday" worth pursuing. I will create a better strategy for next September. If you are interested in creating 9 3/4 fan art next year, please comment below.