Announcement, again.

It's quite often from me, but this time I've finally realized what I wanna do with my life and found out, it's not running an agency, but actually doing design. For that reason, I've decided to leave the agency in the hands of more competent person and possibly help as a contractor/partial owner from outside doing stuff I like to do, for people I like to.

You are now probably thinking, what the hell, agency is a dream and it's just up to you Charlie what do you wanna do, so let me stop you right there, it's not. Once you reach certain level of "agency status" you get approached by clients you take just because they pay tremendous amount of money and at that point you realize, they want you to create bullshit campaigns, websites and other stuff, just because they have the ability to do so and I've found that really stupid and surprising, how much of them lack any strategy at all.

More and more besides that I realized how much more fun I have creating small tasks that will be seen for much smaller clients, like creating bistros, concept stores and others, where I also had a chance to tackle with interior design I fell in love with, for that I really thank to my friends, that put those tasks in my hands and trusted me enough to make them happen. With that said I'll soon have a chain of bistros done and hopefully epic concept store in the heart of Prague for creative people.

So to summarize all of that, the last few years really showed me, that the graphic design for me is more than money.

Recently I've interacted with couple companies and it's my everyday duty to make their design departments or marketing ones shine brighter and do better, I'm working partially remote and I love it right now, as I'm finally able to relax and have a time of my own, to run all day, visit gym and other activities such as family dinners.

For all of that hectic years I've switched to comfort and I'm really glad for that decision, not sure if I'll be posting here or not, just wanted to make an update for all those who admire and follow, to let them know I appreciate and am thankful for it.

P.S.: Someone hacked my previous account on instagram, so here's the new one

Senior Visual Designer at your service.

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