iTunes Audiobook / Audible Launch

Integrating audiobooks functionality into the first version of the iTunes Music Store involved a lot of collaboration and communication between the iTunes team and Amazon.

This included:

Identifying the need for audiobooks functionality: We identified a demand for audiobooks and determined that integrating this functionality would be a valuable addition to the Music Store.

Researching potential partners: We researched various audiobook providers and ultimately decided to work with Amazon due to their extensive selection of audiobooks and their reputation as a trusted provider.

Negotiating a partnership: We worked with Amazon to negotiate the terms of their partnership, including how the audiobooks would be sold and distributed through the Music Store.

Integrating the audiobooks functionality: Once the partnership was finalized, the we worked on integrating the audiobooks functionality into the Music Store. This involved designing and developing new features and functionality to support the sale and distribution of audiobooks, as well as testing and debugging to ensure that the feature was reliable and clear.

Overall, integrating audiobooks functionality into the iTunes Music Store involved a lot of work and collaboration between the iTunes team and Amazon to ensure that the feature was successful and well-received by users.

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