LogoArchive Issue 2
The first issue of LogoArchive in print was conceived, designed and sent to the printers (for quotation) within a day. It was inspired by a panel discussion that took place the day before at Somerset House as part of the exhibition Print! Tearing It Up. Following a successful launch and a sold-out first release, LogoArchive returns with Issue 2, which begins to reconfigure itself.
LogoArchive is founded on an enthusiasm for a well-crafted logo; a convivial metaphor, a communicative immediacy and smart use of form language. However, in print, it was never conceived as a document with a singular intention; the simple documentation of logos, rather a delivery mode in which to build a story and share thoughts. A conversation on Twitter; digital dialogue lost in the passage of time but forever coded into the electronic aether, is materialised as ink on paper and written into the story and ongoing development of the zine. This sits alongside an anthropological text; a musing on the distinctive qualities of the human eye.
LogoArchive Issue 2 is a compact 16 pages printed by WithPrint on Colorplan Ebony 175gsm with a white ink. It also features a Colorplan Candy Pink 175gsm insert printed with black, bound with black staples. It is a small second step but has ambitions to grow into a compelling and accessible series.
Buy Now: http://bit.ly/cp-logoarchive-2