Animation for Venetian Magic RA Lates Installation
It was such a fun to create these animated characters for the at Royal Academy Late Event “Venetian Magic”. Some of them and decorations I drew, some of them were taken from the old engravings and linocuts featuring Comedia del Arte characters. I animated them in stop motion and brought into After Effects for compositing.
Motion piece for an immersive installation “Theatre of Illusion” at Royal Academy Late Event “Venetian Magic”
The brief was to create an Immersive installation as part of RA Lates dedicated to the "In The Age of Gioirgione" exhibition. The installation had to evoke Venetian Renaissance time. I created two motion pieces along with the Gothic facades of Venetian Palazzi: Palazzo Dario and Cantarini Fasan where the theatrical atmosphere of the Carnivale and Italian Commedia del'Arte unfold.