Makarya Ui Kit
It's been more than a week since my last shot on Dribbble.
Currently, I just take a break from Daily UI Challenge (the last one is challenge #31). Because I have another personal project to develop an HTML template with Bootstrap 4 based. So, I need to focus on it and make a progress day by day, because the process is still a long to be finished.
So far, I really enjoy the process to make it happen. Starting by the end of last week with a step by step guide that I noted in my book, creating various cards related with the tasks that need to be done in Trello, and finally today I just finished the UI kit (the first milestone in the whole project) that can be used in the next desktop and responsive design of my HTML template.
The name of this template is "Makarya". I got this name from Javanese which has meaning "Create". This word inspired me to never give up and always give your best in your job.
This is a little shot from the whole UI kit that has been finished. Hopefully, I can finished the next milestone (various page design for both of desktop and responsive version) as soon as possible.
Cheers :)