E-commerce Case Study (Oranjimart)
I get a chance to do my own research about how to attract window shopper who initially doesn't have any interest of online shopping become interested in one of the product and spend money there. This research is based on my own assumption and opinion. I am quite irritated by the push notification given to me that either doesn't relate to me or i just don't feel like opening it. When doing my research, i remembered how news aggregator app like Flipboard and Medium can attract their user and giving relevant content. By using their own interest, user can easily browse and find articles that they will possibly enjoy.
-Choosing interest in favorite product categories After user sign up or sign in, they will be greeted by "choosing interest" menu that can possibly enhance their experience and keep them in this platform longer down the road. After choosing their interest, there will be a "Spesial untukmu" category on menu which basically means "For You". This menu hopefully can give a relevant deals and items that those specific user like and can further grow by looking into what that user like to browse in the search menu.