Elite Business Powerpoint Presentation Template
Introducing Elite Presentation is a clean, versatile, scalable and multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template to present your business to potentials clients in an elegant way.
Elite Business Presentation has +185 slides of content (portfolios, general information, handmade infographics, data charts, section breaks, maps, tables, timeline etc. ), many layouts options, animations and more.
- 189 Multipurpose Slides, Clean, Simple & Creative slides - 5 Color Schemes with Light & Dark Backgrounds - 16×9 & 4×3 Ratio - Included PC and Mac Version - Included With Animation & Without Animation Booth Files - In total 80 Files Included - Included Used all Vector Icons - Custom Animation for Each Object - Handcrafted 3D Infographic in PowerPoint - All Graphic Resizable and Editable - Extensive use of Custom Placeholders and Smart Art just Drag and Drop - Easily Editable, Animation, Transitions, and more…