Palacio de la Magdalena
These are a series of illustrations I did based on my travels through Spain. I've created three illustrations per city visited.
City 5: Santander
Next up: Santander! We got on the bus in Oviedo and wound up and along the the ridge line of the mountains until we reached the coastline and pulled into Santander. This city is absolutely gorgeous! Our hotel was right on the beach, and then a 10 minute walk away was the peninsula where you can find this palace: El Palacio de la Magdalena. This palace was given as a gift to the king by the city of Santander in 1908 and was later sold back to the city to become a university. But, it is more notably known for being the set of the modern telenovela: El Gran Hotel. During the tour there were about 50 different women all asking if they would be able to see the infamous “Julio,” who is apparently the heartthrob of the show. The palace is impeccably maintained and was stunning to visit. The views the place offers are truly one of a kind.