The 100 Day Project: Osi Tohi

day 36 of 100: Osi, Tohi (Cherokee origin) among the Cherokee, the proper state of being for an individual is osi, and the ideal state of all things is called tohi. Osi refers to the quality of a person who is poised on a single point of balance, centered, upright, facing forward. Tohi denotes something, or everything, that is moving at its own speed, utterly at peace. when combined, an image of the ideal emerges: a person, upright, balanced, moving at a natural gait. such a person is on what Cherokees call the Right Path, du yu ko dv i. ☝️ definition taken from On Trails by Robert Moor

have any suggestions for words to include in my 100 Days of Untranslatable Words? please send them my way!

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