Social Network Feed App Experiment Animation
Happy Friday everyone!
Yesterday @Kostya Vargatiuk shared his idea of a social network feed app. I believe this might be an awesome solution to the “f#%k, there’s too much information” problem. So I decided to join Kostya’s experiment and help him animate the app to give you a fuller picture of how it may work.
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Goals Showing how users will interact with the app. The main goal of the app is solving the problem of multiple info sources and having to switch between them by opening different apps. As well as having it all organized nicely.
Approach We organized the app feed by the types of content (videos, articles etc.) with the option to sort content (newest, most popular etc). You can connect your social accounts and select what type of content you want displayed form your profile settings.
Results The animated version of the app showing how users will interact with it and benefit from the experience.
Eager to find out what you think of this!
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