Interaction foundation - Archive then delete
There are many ways to handle an "archive then delete" interaction, but some good rules to follow are:
- Make sure you have a repository for your archived items to live. This can be more or less visible depending on the likeliness of users wanting to access the archived items i.e a tab, a link, a dropdown etc.
- If the archived items are somewhat accessible, you can probably get away without a "confirm" action when archiving.
- Allow users to "unarchive" the archived item from within the "Archived" place.
- When deleting permanently, always provide a confirm action. if the removal will be highly destructive, consider an extra step like a series of checkboxes or a text field to confirm the action
- If possible, surface an "UNDO" action un the toast
Have a suggestion for a common interaction pattern you'd like to see mocked up? Feel free to comment.