Smarthome detailed shot

So I've been playing around with Alexa, and one of the things that frustrates me is that my needs don't match the UI. I typically want to use the app to manage and monitor my smart devices. I do appreciate the historical usage cards and the new Alexa app awareness features, but they are not why I typically open the app.

The other thing that I'm not super stoked about is the hierarchy of the way my IoT home is laid out. I prefer to think in terms of rooms, and groups. Scenes I think of as more IFTT that can be applied to a Room or a Group.

And while we're at it, why not add a nice picture of the Room, and while we're at that why not visually map the IoT items in the room?

Just some thoughts on how I would rather engage with my smart home.

Jason Reynolds
# Pushin' pixels since 2007.

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